Have the numerous articles out there on blue light left you confused as hell? I don’t blame you. Heck, the world wide web can be like the monster under the bed I remember as a kid. Let’s grab it by the horns, shall we?
Here are 5 common blue light myths debunked and 3 facts to end the chaos, right now.
I bet you always thought-(Meh, I’ll just lower my screen brightness, change the saturation and switch to dark mode. That’ll do!) Well, we have news for you, pal. Tinkering with your digital device’s settings may give you temporary relief, but the blue light still reaches your peepers.
(All good bro, I have my good ole’ friend f.lux!)
Yeah sorry, not such a good friend after all. Which brings me to the next myth.
As much as you want to believe your f.lux app or Apple Nightshift is your best friend, it’s not. The truth is these apps filter only reduce instead of block the blue light. And yes, it’s better than nothing but hear me out. There’s an effective solution blocking the excessive blue light that you should know about. Continue reading to find out what this magical solution is and why it’s so darn effective.
The body is programmed to absorb daylight hours (aka natural blue light that tells you to be awake). The problem lies with the excessive exposure to blue light at night, suppressing melatonin production in the brain-the essential hormone preparing you for your beauty sleep.
Yes, a study confirms scrolling through your social feeds endlessly into the night and binging your favorite show before bedtime isn’t the greatest idea.
We recommend turning off your devices at least two to three hours before bedtime. Better yet, remove them from your bedroom altogether. Psh, who does that? Nope. Not me! As a professional working from home, I cherish my undisturbed nightly hours. The silence alone increases my productivity, I tell you.
So, how do I prevent blue light from keeping me awake? Glad you asked. Continue reading to find out.
...Not! We’ve already established that blue light emitted from electronic devices has a bad reputation. It causes damage to our peepers and meddles in with our sleep.
But, the natural blue light exposure during the day is healthy for our bodies. In fact, research confirms it’s a necessary part of our daily lives. Light not only enables us to see, but it also boosts alertness, making us capable beings.
Keep in mind, if every day feels like a bird pooped on your head, it’s time for some changes. Consider adjusting your work environment (if you can of course), re-evaluating your habits, wearing Night Swannies Blue Light Blocking Glasses, and making SleepPhones® your friend.
Just so you know, SleepPhones® are Bluetooth enabled headphones inside a soft headband that promises a comfy and relaxing experience. A reliable and supportive friend, I’d say.
Okay, we’re almost there. Hopefully, by now, you should be less confused.
Here’s the last blue light myth I want to tell you about before checking some blue light facts.
Staring at digital screens for (what may feel like an eternity) can lead to eye strain. Big surprise. Not! We all know that feeling after forgetting to blink while staring into our blue light-emitting digital devices for hours on end-dry, bloodshot eyes accompanied by blurred vision, chronic back and neck pain, and a headache for days. Ring a bell?
That, my dear friend, is what we call Digital Eye Strain. Not a walk in the park, I know. But totally preventable!
Looking away from our screens is as good as a holiday. It’s called the 20-20-20 rule. Although it’s as easy as pie, even I have to constantly remind myself to give my eyeballs a break. Here’s how it goes. Every 20 minutes, stare 20 feet ahead of you for 20 seconds. That’s it!
Along with this effective eye strain solution, wearing Day Swannies Blue Light Blocking Glasses can ward off those nasty symptoms of digital eye strain like greased lightning. Yasss!!
And these tips will help de-stress your body after a day of digital overload. Yep, we’ve thought about everything and we’re here to help you get back your sparkle.
Hmmm, what’s the difference between Swannies Day and Night lenses? Find out here.
Ready for some facts about blue light? Here goes.
If you don’t use any protection against the blue light, almost 100% of blue light reaches the retina of the eye and can damage light-sensitive cells. Over time, this can lead to macular degeneration, which can result in permanent eye damage or, in extreme cases, blindness.
Hell, no! Let’s rather opt-in for healthy peepers, shall we? Pull up a chair, because the greatest virtue is curiosity.
Although our Swannies Crew is oceans apart (because that’s how we roll), we recently converged and shared our ultimate favorites in three parts on the blog.
Have a looksy:
As mentioned before, our bodies associate blue light with daytime. Therefore, exposure to excessive blue light at night suppresses the production of melatonin in the brain-the essential hormone that prepares us for sleep.
Inadequate sleep can be detrimental to your overall well-being, champ. Quality sleep is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.
Are you with me on this?
Check out this additional solution for better sleep and happy, productive mornings. It’s portable, convenient and inexpensive.
In a perfect world, you’d need to avoid blue light from screens at least four hours before bedtime. This is a hard one to swallow, I know.
However, a growing body of research backs up the claim that blocking blue light before bed can help you sleep better. In a 2009 study, volunteers who wore blue-light-blocking glasses three hours before bedtime reported better sleep quality and mood than those who didn’t. A more recent study found similar results.
Yep! The proof is in the pudding!
The truth of the matter is, it isn’t natural to extend our days with artificial lighting. Therefore, it only makes sense to be worried about the hype around blue light, especially at night. Now you know there are natural and effective ways to deal with blue light exposure:
That’s all folks! From all of us here at Swanwick Sleep. May joy, love, and gratitude be your guide this year.
Learn why Swannies are the best blue light blocking glasses.
Start with our Day & Night Blue Light Protection Set.
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