Top Wellness Tips For The Entrepreneur In You To Get Fit & Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle with Jodelle Fitzwater

Top Wellness Tips For The Entrepreneur In You To Get Fit & Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle with Jodelle Fitzwater

If you are in dire need to enhance your fitness, performance, and overall wellness, Jodelle Fitzwater can help. She lives to teach, inspire, help, and serve anyone dedicated to adopting a healthy lifestyle.

In this episode of Swanwick LIVE, James Swanwick interviews Jodelle Fitzwater, founder of Get Fit With Jodelle, an educator, and lover of all things health, fitness, nutrition, and SUP. She is a Pro Stand Up Paddle Athlete, Certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified Food Psychology Coach, PaddleFit Pro Trainer, Professional Lifestyle Coach, and ACSM Certified Personal Trainer with over 20 years experience in the health and fitness industry.

Jodelle believes that healthy living involves a lot more than exercise and a well-balanced diet. It’s about maintaining wellness on every level - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

The transformation happens the moment you realize that your old habits no longer serve you well, and it becomes your life mission to replace them with good habits.

Discover the story behind Jodelle’s entrepreneur life and her health, nutrition, and fitness tips for balanced wellness.

Watch the video interview below to discover how to tap into the benefits of whole-body health your one-way ticket to roll with the High Performers of life.



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Key topics and timestamps:

00:01 - Introduction

01:22 - Myths about sleep

02:34 - Jodelle’s sleep patterns

05:08 - The effects of damaged adrenal glands on sleep

09:39 - Jodelle’s thoughts on coffee

15:55 - The benefits of drinking bicarbonate

19:49 - Jodelle’s journey as a stand-up paddle athlete

22:14 - The benefits of Swannies Blue Light Blocking Glasses

26:04 - How Jodelle introduced Kids Swannies to her daughter

27:40 - Finding a balance between work and play

30:41 - The benefits of outdoor cold showers


Full audio transcript:

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James Swanwick: I am James Swanwick and welcome to another Swanwick Live and today we are joined by Jodelle Fitzwater, who is a nutrition educator and a lover of all things health, fitness nutrition. And she's a pro stand up paddle athlete, which we're going to learn about in a second is a big Swannies glasses enthusiast along with her daughter who are always posing with their Swannies on which we appreciate very much. And we're going to be talking about sleep, we're going to be talking about coffee, the benefits, maybe potential cons of coffee I'd like to get into as well. If there are any. Stand up paddle, paddle boarding?  I'd love to know a bit a little bit more about that. And just, you know what time jodel gets to sleep and how she perfects her sleep, what time she wakes up and how she lives a healthy, holistic life. So Jodelle, welcome to the show. Glad to have you here.

Jodelle Fitzwater: James, I'm so honored that you asked me on your podcast. So yeah, I really value your blog posts, you guys put out about sleep. And so it's fun to see people out there putting out the truth about sleep and not just like, make sure you get seven, eight hours. Well, how are they going to do that? And you guys put really good posts out about that. 

James Swanwick  

Thank you, appreciate it. When you said the truth about sleep. What are some of the untruths or the things that people get wrong about sleep that you see in the media quite often?

Jodelle Fitzwater: Yeah, great question because as a nutritionist is that 70% of one of the issues that people come to see me with are sleep related issues. So I'm a big number one, I'm a big proponent of getting their circadian rhythm right. And that starts with dimming that blue light that our environments are so toxic with.But also I really value the bio individuality of sleep like the mainstream will say seven to eight hours. But yet, I have clients, some of them need 9 to 10 hours. And then I have other clients that need that can get by on seven. So it's really individual. And I think that's one of the myths. The other myth is that you can run on less sleep like 3 to 4 hours. And just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should, because we really want to optimize our health and our health overall starts with sleep.

James Swanwick: Yeah. What time do you get to sleep each night? And what time do you wake up in the morning?

Jodelle Fitzwater: Yeah, and it wasn't always this way. It wasn't until I had a lot of health issues that I decided I wanted to go to bed kind of with the sun and wake with the sun. So I go to bed typically around 8:30 and 9 is my max. If I'm up after nine, it's because there's some sort of an emergency. So I'm not invited to a lot of dinner parties or anything like that.

James Swanwick: No wonder you haven’t been taking my late night calls.

Jodelle Fitzwater: That’s the only reason. That's exactly right. I see the time and I'm like, oh, after my bedtime. Then about five o'clock is usually my wake up time in the morning.

James Swanwick: Goddess. Okay, so if you're going to bed around 830 you're getting up at 5:00. So you know, you sleep a good 8 and a half hours, right?  And how is the quality of your sleep?

Jodelle Fitzwater: You know, it wasn't always great. I've been in the fitness industry for about 20 years and the first probably decade of my career, I thought like many people, I can get by in five or six hours, I'll be fine. I'll just pound a lot of caffeine and energy drinks the next day at the gym, and I'll be fine. And I was fine for about five years and then my health started to suffer and I started to develop adrenal issues and thyroid issues, and I lost my fertility and all of that. So it was a big eye opener for me about how important not just eating right and exercising is but also getting your, your optimization of your circadian rhythm right, which is very off for many people. So, I just feel like it's kind of misinterpreted because in our environment, if you can get a lot done and you're this person that's go, go go and you're burning the candle at both ends, that's supposed to be the right way to live. And actually, less is more when it comes to your health. So I had to learn that the hard way but now I've dialed it back to where I really see the benefits and the quality of my sleep is much better now. I still have nights where I struggle, but I've figured out what that is, it's still residual adrenal issues that are going on and I'm finding ways to slowly heal that the adrenals take the longest to heal so you really have to be patient when it comes to sleep. If you are working on yourself. And know that it is going to happen and those little bitty bits of progress along the way are telltale signs.

James Swanwick: How did you do damage to your adrenals?

Jodelle Fitzwater: I was an athlete, as you said, I was a paddle athlete, and I was also teaching about 15 classes a week at a local gym, and I was a personal trainer. So I was doing my own running, I would run sometimes eight miles a day plus I would do like three to four classes a day of teaching weight training classes and kickboxing classes. And then I paddle a lot because I was sponsored Ambassador with big SEP, which is a stand up paddle company. And so they would send me all over the country to give paddle demonstrations and go to expos and stuff like that. So I was really overdoing it on my exercise and on my fitness. And so, when you put your body in the state of high adrenaline and high cortisol, you do have a lot of energy to run on, but it's not really clean energy. It's kind of like putting really bad gas in your car, it'll go but it's going to sputter along the way. And so that's what was happening over time it was  just like I was doing too much. And so my body just started giving out if you can only put out so much adrenaline and cortisol for so long, until your body's like, alright, I fold white flag I can't do this anymore. So that's really what did it for me. It was about five years into that that my thyroid tanked and my adrenals gave out and I noticed that by my sleep when I tried to sleep longer, it wasn't coming like I could sleep for five hours. But if I tried to sleep longer than that, it was like I couldn't go to sleep. I couldn't stay asleep. So I couldn't repair it, even.

James Swanwick: Does that suggest that someone can be overtrained like I mean it sounds like you're doing a lot in coaching and you're exercising, running and paddleboarding you're doing all these kinds of things. Let's compare that type of scenario to someone like me who goes to the gym for about a 45 minute weight session a few times a week and then does a couple of high intensities and then one gentle run during the week and then you know, I take one or two days off. That is what I just described for myself. Is that possibly fatiguing or burning out my adrenals? Or is that does that sound something like would be okay?\

Jodelle Fitzwater: James, what you're saying sounds very balanced because again, you're putting your body in a state of movement every day, but not excessive and it's like you said use the word a gentle run. That's what people should be doing the human body when it goes for a run. And it's all out effort. You're telling yourself, well, they're the only reason that humans should be running is to run from something. So while we're not necessarily running from prey, as we would in hunter gatherer days, we could still be going for a run to calm this anxiousness that we feel a lot of people go for a run to calm down the anxiety that they feel. And so they're running from something, they're still running from that anxious feeling because it calms them down in a weird way. And so that's  not to say that runnings are wrong or bad, but I did it for many years, and it only served to harm me. It didn't help me now, gentle run, that's something else. Because if you can, I kind of teach my clients if you can, nasal breathing while you're running, you're doing something right. Because you should be able to keep a calm nervous system and be able to breathe through your nose while you're running. If you're doing a mouth breathing, it's stressing your body. So what you're doing sounds balanced, but how people know if they're overtraining is number one, your sleep will suffer and you won't know why you'll have trouble going to sleep trouble falling is staying asleep. Maybe you're waking up frequently to pee, we really shouldn't be doing that. And then also, your body will give you signals such as being wired but tired. So you have like this, this energy that you could run on all day, which is called adrenaline, but you're also very fatigued or you feel like you could take a nap at any point in the day. But if you try to lie down at night when you go to bed, you can't go to sleep. So that's true for many people that are kind of doing too much and doing too much doesn't have to just be physical training. A lot of people are stressed in their thinking they have too many jobs going on. They have too many irons in the fire. They don't know when to say no. And that can also elevate adrenalin even without running and without overtraining to where it's gonna be hard to shut down.

James Swanwick: We're talking to Jodelle Fitzwater, who is an educator and lover of all things health, fitness nutrition. She's a pro stand up battle pedal athlete, and a certified functional nutritional therapy practitioner and a food psychology coach. A paddle fit pro trainer lifestyle. Coach and a certified personal trainer with over 20 years experience in the health and fitness industry you can learn more over at Jodelle, totally you mentioned coffee before. A lot of talk about this. I've had an on again, off again relationship with coffee. I didn't drink coffee for the first 35 years of my life didn't even have a drop, and was never interested. And then I temporarily lived in Colombia and where they had wonderful coffee and I started drinking coffee and then I got into coffee and then I tried bulletproof coffee or I put a stick of grass fed butter and some MCT oil in my in my coffee I used and I loved the taste of that for a while and then and then after a while I found myself feeling quite agitated throughout the day whereas initially I enjoyed the taste and the ceremony and the ritual of the morning cup. I found myself in a light morning kind of early afternoon still feeling a bit irritated and agitated and I reluctantly stopped. And then since then I've kind of gone on again off again. So I go on for that three months or I drink coffee and then I stopped for three months and then I might start again for a month and then I'll go four months off, but the only reason I ever stop is because for me, it gets to a point where I start to depend on it, I feel myself depending on it. And I start to feel myself getting agitated and irritated about three or four hours after I have the coffee. Having said that, it sounds like you're about to sing the praises and the nutritional benefits or whatever of coffee so I'm just curious what your thoughts are on coffee in general for people and and what you know, guidance you may have for me and in the scenario that I just presented.

Jodelle Fitzwater: Yeah, I mean, I don't think you're alone in that. I've heard other people say that as well, like it starts off well enough the relationship but then it gets out of hand because you know, we tend to be creatures that go after more, like one guy turns into five cups or what have you. But then also, if you are already a person that has good energy you already run on a lot of adrenalin coffee does elevate adrenaline, and it does stimulate your adrenal. So if somebody's already amped up, it can irritate them or agitate their system to have more adrenaline. So that feeling that you were talking about is actually a feeling of excess adrenaline pumping through your system, and that's kind of irritating to the nervous system. So you were probably listening to your body and dialing it back when that happened. And then you felt reprieve for a while, but the taste of coffee is what gets me like it's that taste, you know, it's just a beautiful taste. And that's why I'm kind of a coffee junkie too. But I have to keep mine in check too, because I can easily go out of hand. I don't use it for energy probably like yourself, I use it just for the taste of it just having that warm cup of mug in the morning. But what I would have to do is I use a Swiss water process decaf, regular decaf or decaffeinated through formaldehyde process. So if you can find a good Swiss water process, maybe you can mix it with your favorite Colombian coffee that you have and just do a little half Caf to where you're just cutting down on the caffeine to avoid that overstimulation. So I kind of  go that route and then once a year, I do like a 10 day to a 14 day coffee fast where I won't have coffee. And it kind of resets my caffeine level, if you will. So I can go through a couple of days like a headache, because we just don't know how dependent we get on caffeine. But then after that, it's like I get to the end of the 10 or the 14 days depending on how long I did it and I go you know, I don't really have to have it. I  don't really need it. But eventually because of the taste and because of our environment and everybody's drinking coffee around, you go back into it. So yes, coffee has some amazing benefits, it actually has magnesium, which can be calming to certain individuals that are low in magnesium. But too much caffeine can amp up a nervous system which causes you to throw out magnesium. So it's this fine balance of like getting just the right amount to get your fix without overdoing it. Kind of like the training.

James Swanwick: I read somewhere that if you can, you should delay having your first cup of coffee, buy about an hour in the morning because when we wake up in the morning, our cortisol levels are very high. And caffeine has been found to keep cortisol levels elevated for longer.

Were you aware of that or is that your understanding?

Jodelle Fitzwater: Yeah, for sure. I mean, the court is on the adrenaline to kind of go hand in hand as your ultimate like stress inducing response hormones. And so yeah, caffeine can overstimulate that to where like I said, if you're already amped up in the morning chances are you want to do more of that Swiss water process decaf just for the taste without all the caffeine. But, if I like the idea of delaying it a little bit, maybe wait until you really really feel the need for just a little pick me up or you're just waiting for that taste a little later in the day. I always recommend people start with water though. First thing no matter what, how much coffee I drink, I always start with what they call your inner bath. You know, we always take our outer bath but that water first thing in the morning after you've been dehydrated all night sleeping. That's the really key thing. Don't just jump right into a diuretic something like coffee that pulls water more out of your system. You want to get some water in before you drink that coffee.

James Swanwick: I've actually got into a routine now where I drink bicarb which is a kind of like baking soda. It's pretty nasty to drink quite frankly, it tastes like you're drinking salt water first thing in the morning and just before I drink it, I have to kind of like psych myself up for about five seconds and I kind of breathe in and breathe out because the taste is kind of nasty. And listeners might be thinking why the hell do you drink it? Well to not to get into too much graphic detail, but it really cleans you out. Like I have that bicarb and within 15 to 20 minutes I'm needing to use the bathroom at least a couple times over the course of 20 minutes or so. And again, it doesn't sound that pleasant but I'll tell you this, like it really flushes the body of toxins like any toxins or nastiness that I have in there. It's it's just you know, what I understand from reading the literature is that toxins and nastiness and you know acidity latch on to this baking soda and then when it comes out of you it you know literally just flushes all of that those toxins and acidity out of you. Is that your understanding as well? Are you familiar with this?

Jodelle Fitzwater: Yeah, actually  after a run I used to do it. So the bicarbonate with a little bit of apple cider vinegar and water so it makes it kind of fizzy, almost like Alka Seltzer kind of thing. And that's really good to replenish like a little bit of electrolytes into your body after a run. Actually, the benefits of doing some sort of a sea salt or sodium bicarb like with your water actually gets water more into the cell. I know a lot of people that drink water all day and then they're peeing all day too. So it's like they're not really keeping hydrated, they'll go and get their bloodwork and their creatinine ratio is way off or something is showing that they're chronically dehydrated, but they drink all this water. So something like what you're talking about or taking in a pinch of sea salt and tossing that back. Before you drink your water can really ensure that you have minerals to take the water into the cell.

James Swanwick: We have a lot of Celtic sea salt in our place that we put on food, but I must admit I haven't been taking it with water. So if, before I drink a glass or glasses of water, you'd suggest, just like putting it in the water or actually just throwing it in my mouth?

Jodelle Fitzwater: You could do either, but from what my understanding is actually there's a natural path out of Australia that I learned this little trick from her name is Barb O'Neill. I don't know if you've heard of her, but she's out of Australia too. And she's all over YouTube. She's kind of a cool sensation. But anyway, she recommends taking a pinch of that Celtic sea salt and just putting it under your tongue, because we have a lingual neural system in our mouth. And I actually learned this in my NTP training to where your mouth will tell the cells of your body what's about to come in, so that the cells will open up and receive so it's taking in that sea salt, just kind of that salty taste on your mouth. It actually tells your cells, Hey, we have minerals coming in so open up because we're about to get hydrated and we're about to get some minerals that we need.

James Swanwick: Right. Thank you for that. Appreciate that. We’re talking to Jodelle Fitzwater and we are talking about health and nutrition and sleep just before we get into sleep. Also, if you want to listen to Jodelle’s podcast  named Get Fit with Jodelle, it's on YouTube and on iTunes, and Jodelle interviews all kinds of leading researchers and doctors and experts on health, nutrition, lifestyle and movement. So tell us a little bit about  being a paddle athlete, a stand up paddle athlete, tell us a little bit about that.

Jodelle Fitzwater: It's my escape from reality especially right now in the world with our dealing with you know, nature doesn't require you to wear a mask. The water doesn't require you to wear a mask. It's the freedom like when you're out on the water, there's just this piece and nature and water is so therapeutic to the human body. And so I think I discovered that because in the midst of all that chaos in my life I was talking about earlier, I found standard paddleboarding. And when I did, I was like, this is what I need. I need water therapy every day. So I just started paddling. I was like the only person on my lake that was doing it when it first came out. Since then I've gone on to learn how to teach it to others as a personal trainer and take their workouts to the water. And then I traveled kind of around and trained new instructors and was able to do some fun things with REI and do some like outdoor classes on the water and teach kind of big groups of ladies to come out and take their body to the water where you're bored is the machine and your body doesn't need any equipment. It just needs movement on top of the water and doing bodyweight exercises or stretching. Here where I live I do some special tours called stuff in a cup where we will paddle to a local cafe that's on our lake and we'll have breakfast and then we'll paddle back so it's kind of like a destination paddle. Everybody loves that because coffee and stand up paddleboarding really go well together.

James Swanwick: Love that fantastic. And has your daughter followed you in your footsteps? You have a five year old. I'd imagine she's a bit young so far, but is she interested in paddleboarding?

Jodelle Fitzwater: She is. She has her own and just last year when she was four she learned how to like paddle without me attached to her so I used to attach her leash to my ankle so the wind couldn't take her away. But last year when she was four she paddled for the first time like all on her own just next to me. So it was fun to see that

James Swanwick: Wonderful! Let's just turn our attention to sleep for a moment. Obviously, you wear the Swannies glasses at nighttime and daytime, well would you just describe your Swannies habits for us?

Jodelle Fitzwater: Oh, wow, that's a great question because when I was researching sleep, and I was kind of understanding how blue light affects the body, I came across the need for something after the sun went down. I was like, there's got to be something that will help me block the light in my home or the TV or my phone. And then I came across Swannies and I was just like, Oh, well, they're kind of cute too, because I can wear them around. And I think I first found you guys at paleo FX. And that's where we kind of connected and that was several years back, but immediately and I have another story I'm going to tell you about a client too, but immediately, the very first night, I wore them, like my sleep was like at least 50% improved. Like I'd been doing all these things, and my whole supplement regimen in front of me, right? I had to take all these pills in order to go to sleep because again, I was still healing my adrenals and taking all this stuff. And then that night like at paleo effects I like wore them that night and then that I was like 50% better and then over the next two weeks, I eliminated all my supplements. I went from having this whole countertop full of sleep supplements to just wearing my Swannies. And my brother did the same thing. He had sleep issues as well. But the neatest thing I've heard recently because I have it's mandatory when you come have a consult with me, I'm going to work on your circadian rhythm and 99% of my clients I'm like, well, we have to get these glasses so that you can still do your nighttime routine, but yet, we're going to make you a little more sleepy. So that I have a client that was very difficult to get her off of sleep medication, so she'd been on this sleep, this Lunesta, I'm sure you've heard of that. That sleep medication for years and years and years, probably like six years. And nothing, she tried everything, nothing would get her off of the need to like, in order to sleep, she had to take the pill. And then finally after egging her on, again around about the glasses, she's like, okay, I'll try it. And so I gave her a pair of mine and I said, just knowing what to buy, and yet, just try mine. And like, within the first few nights, she was like, I am sleeping so much better. And then she just tried it one night, she just didn't take her Lunesta, and she found that she didn't need it, as long as she put the glasses on when the sun went down. As soon as the sun went down, she was able to completely go off her Lunesta, and she no longer relies on it at all. And she swears by the glasses. And so yeah, that was that one of the coolest stories was she was really wanting to get off of that. And just by putting glasses on, she was able to go off of it.

James Swanwick: Incredible, amazing. So wonderful to hear those kinds of stories. Isn't it someone's life can be completely transformed by something so simple like a fig leaf?

Jodelle Fitzwater: That's really what it is. I mean, if you can get someone sleeping well imagine the possibilities of their life because we all know the nights that we haven't slept well, how we feel the next day, we don't give good output at work. We're yelling at our family members, we're getting in traffic and being agitated and irritated. But when you sleep well, it's like the clouds are beautiful, and your family's beautiful. And everything you do is working well. So, I mean, you really do change people's lives James, just by creating glasses. I mean, it sounds simple, but it's something that does affect people on a wellness level. So that's a beautiful thing.

James Swanwick: Thank you, and your five year old daughter, are you instilling good sleep practices in her. Does she wear a pair of Swannies? Is it challenging to get her to wear a pair? Is it easy? Is it now part of her routine? Like how have you introduced both Swannies blue Light blocking glasses and you know, sound asleep practices into her life.

Jodelle Fitzwater: Sure, yeah. She's very impressionable because when I explain things to her, I'm not when I always told myself I wouldn't be like what my mom was who's just said, because I said, so like when they asked me to do something, it's because I said, but no with her, I tried to explain everything. So I'll say, you know, mommy's gonna put on these glasses because I want to be able to sleep really good. So I'm a nice mommy tomorrow and I'm not yelling at you, or you know, getting on to you for no reason or whatever. And so I'll explain that to her and say, you know, if you wear these, you'll have more energy to play, you'll go outside and it'll be a happy day or you'll get your schoolwork done, because we homeschool, and you'll feel good doing it, you won't be sleepy. And so I think if you explain it to the kids and let them explore it a little bit, just put the glasses on the table. And then number one, be the example, wear them as soon as the sun goes down, you put them on and then it's easy for the kids to also follow suit because they're going to see you and they're going to like “I want to do that”. So, yeah, it was not hard for me at all because I took the time to explain to her how they would help her. And then I also imitated that for her to see. And now after the sun goes down, she's like, where's my blue blockers? And like, we can't we can't go anywhere without him. In fact, one night we are going to a meeting that was late, and we forgot them and she got there and she's like, but what about my circadian rhythm? So like she's just as most kids are very impressionable, if you take the time to explain things.

James Swanwick: I love that!

How do you balance other areas of your life? Like how do you find the right balance of work between play between being a mother, getting a great night's sleep, being intentional, feeling calm, I just, you know, what's the approach that you take to bring all of those elements together?

Jodelle Fitzwater: That's a good question. You know, because I wasn't always that way. Like I said, there was a time in my life when I would consider myself very unbalanced. And I would say that my health issues actually, were the best thing that happened to me because it forced me to look at my life and go, okay, I'm way out of balance, way too many irons in the fire. And way too many like things that I think I should be doing that are really not necessary. So I think when we especially in this time in the world, the way things are going if we just kind of take a step back and be okay with saying no to some things, and then also making a list of maybe the four most important things that are a priority in your life, your family and maybe your spirituality, how you affect the world through your career. And then also your health because you can't do any of those three without your health in check, so if it's something like that, then you can really go okay. If it doesn't fit into any of these four things, then I really need to eliminate it and then be honest and tell people that you love, I'm not doing this, I'm not letting go of these things to hurt anyone or to cause problems. But I want to be the best I can for all of you, whether it's your co-workers or your family or whatever. And that way you can find balance because that's what we're all looking for  anyway. We're all looking for a balanced approach with nutrition, a balanced approach with our workouts, and a balanced approach in our work life. And I think when you prioritize which one of those in your life are the things you want to do, instead of doing all these random workouts, dial in the one that makes you the happiest because you shouldn't be doing anything else that stresses you anyway, and if it's, instead of trying all these different diets and dogmas that are out there about nutrition, eat the foods that love you back. If you're eating a food and it makes you feel bloated, then don't eat it. Your body doesn't need that food. So you wouldn't be in a relationship with someone that doesn't love you back. So don't eat any foods that don't love you back right? Then ask your family, what do you need more of me? You know, where am I slacking? Am I giving you enough of my time and they'll tell you what you need to let go of. So I think that's how you find the balance is really taking time to step back and reevaluate every so often because like you said, with the coffee, even with coffee, it's easy to get out of hand. And I think that's a metaphor for our life too.

James Swanwick: And just finally, you take outdoor cold showers. So tell me how you do that. What are the benefits of cold showers?

Jodelle Fitzwater: Yeah, so one thing that I've learned in life is that we've become too kind of dependent on our modern living. So if we didn't have water heaters way back in the day you just bathed in the creek or you took a cold shower because there wasn't a water heater in your indoor plumbing in your home. And I like to look back at old books like I love reading old nutrition manuals, not the new ones. So one of them I had read was called return to nature and it was from 1903. And the gentleman was talking about the fact that one of the best things you could do for your system, your nervous system was to take cold baths and to be in sunlight as well. To take sun and light air baths, I guess he would call it so he wanted your whole body exposed. We don't do that. Like we go get a suntan, but we've got a swimsuit on or shorts and a T shirt when we're outside. We really need to expose our whole body so my husband humors me and a lot of things because he thinks I'm crazy weirdo but  he went along with the idea that I wanted to build an outdoor shower, if you will, or basically I call that like my little sign hut where I could just have my space and I could not have any clothing on and I could go out there and take a shower or just stand in the sunlight and not have to worry about we don't really have neighbors but like if the neighbors could drive by or something, it's a little sun high in my house. So anyway, yeah, so I just attached the hose back there. So it's freezing cold water that comes up from our well. And that's how we take shower. And so I'm barefoot on the ground outside, I don't have like stepping stones or anything, I just want the ground. And it's just the way that I think the human body benefits the most. It's that cold thermogenesis that helps the mitochondria of yourselves that little energy factories of yourself, but you're also getting the sunlight and the good UV rays that affect the mitochondria as well and are grounded when your feet are connected to the earth. You're also getting that good resonance that the earth creates, which is 7.83 hertz and your alpha brain waves are also 7.83 hertz, which is why you feel so good when you're barefoot in a grassy knoll or by the ocean. So coupling all those things together really makes me feel like I can discharge at the end of the day all of this EMF electrical energy in the blue light that we're exposed to. I can just stand on the earth, take a cold shower and then get some sunlight on my skin as well.

James Swanwick: I love that. I take I start with warm showers but I always finish with cold so start with warm and then in the last 30 seconds to a minute I'll just go cold wave even if it's in the middle of winter, and I found that's been beneficial. It may not be as beneficial as getting in right at the beginning when it's cold. But it's like oh well as soon as that cold. It's like wow!

Jodelle Fitzwater: It's like a cup of coffee in the shower. Right?

James Swanwick: Well Jodelle, thank you so much for your time. So appreciate you sharing so much of your guidance and your support and just a glimpse into how you live your life. Just a reminder to our listeners if you go to  You can find Jodelle there. She also has a podcast which is called Get Fit with Jodelle which is available on YouTube and on iTunes. You can find her on YouTube at Jodelle fit.

 And thank you so much for being such a big proponent and supporter of Swannies. Thank you to your lovely daughter as well for posing in some of those Swannies times as well. We appreciate that very much and  we just so appreciate you here at Swanwick.

Jodelle Fitzwater: Thank you so much James. I appreciate you guys too, your big asset in what I like to promote I only promote things I believe in and I really believe in Swannies.


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Celesté Polley


Celesté is a writer, creative photographer, bookworm, pianist, minimalist, environmentalist at heart, professional napper, and Earth wanderer from South Africa, operating in the wellness industry. She is obsessed with books, plants, the moon, and the misunderstood wild Baboon Spiders (a.k.a Tarantulas) of the arachnid world. Her curious nature has her on an unstoppable journey to work with like-minded humans, but also to help people overcome their health and mental struggles.

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