Sleep Better With This Natural Sleep Aid

Are you making the most out of your sleep?

Chances are you’re probably not.

Life is stressful for all of us.

Between the late nights and constant screen exposure, it may be hard to get the best quality sleep possible. We’re definitely trying, but the fast-paced lives we live today, don’t make for the best sleep hygiene.

Bad sleep habits form easily. Without even noticing, you’re losing precious hours of sleep. It starts with restless sleep, then waking up in the middle of the night, your alarm goes off, you hit snooze, and then you find yourself dreary eyed trying to get ready in five minutes.

Your brain is finally functioning and the horror sets in.

You realize you don’t have enough time to get that jumbo coffee on the way to work. Nooo!

Does it sound familiar?

You deserve sleep… you need sleep

This blog is for those of you who want to sleep better without having to turn your lives upside down to get it.

The problem is…

… we live in such a fast-paced society; we never have time to just stop and rest.

We constantly juggle our time, technology, work, and life commitments. It’s a lot!

Unknowingly, we self-sabotage our sleep in the process, making ourselves vulnerable to all kinds of health issues on a daily basis.

Here are the facts:

  • The National Sleep Foundation (2018) found 46% of adults who have poor sleep said they feel like they aren’t effective in getting things done during the day. 96% of respondents, who were excellent sleepers, said they were effective at completing daily tasks.
  • On average Americans get 6.8 hours of sleep per night, with 40% of those individuals getting approximately 6 hours. This falls short of the recommended 7 hours sleep per night by The Sleep Research Society.
  • Lack of good sleep is costing the economy up to $411 billion every year, 2.28% of the country's’ GDP.

The hardest thing about making positive life changes is it takes a lot of effort and a lot of our time. It’s easy to get excited about making changes for a week, but after a while, you find yourself falling into old habits.


We have the perfect combo for your sleep problems.

Yes, we found the complete solution to your sleep interruptions: a combination of Doc Parsley’s Sleep Remedy and your Swannies. Easy and effective every single night.

Here's why this combo works so well:

  • Doc Parsley’s Sleep Remedy is a simple and effective way to improve your sleep without having to overhaul your life.
  • Your Swannies act as a shield against harmful blue light and help you produce melatonin... but sometimes stress and nutritional induced deficiencies can interfere with your sleep quality as well.

This is where Doc Parsley’s Sleep Remedy comes in.

Dr. Kirk Parsley has years of experience with sleep and is a member of the American Academy of Sleep and Medicine. He specially designed his sleep remedy to target those deficiencies and make sure you have everything possible to help you get quality sleep.

Doc Parsley’s Sleep Remedy has three key ingredients:


  • transports essential minerals that help your muscles and nerves function properly
  • regulates blood pressure
  • helps control your body's stress response system
  • Vitamin D: helps regulate the circadian rhythm. Vitamin D deficiencies have been associated with sleep disorders.
  • L-tryptophan & 5-hydroxytryptophan:
  • maintains your body’s sleep/wake cycle;
  • helps melatonin creation
  • phGABA: GABA is a neurotransmitter. When melatonin increases, GABA helps slow down your neocortex so you can relax.
  • Melatonin: is the hormone that makes you sleepy.

It’s common to have these deficiencies that discreetly ruin your sleep. A combination of Swannies and Doc Parsley’s Sleep Aid will keep the perfect balance in your body so you can sleep better.

When you get the amount of sleep your body needs to function properly, your life gets better… everything gets better.

It’s time to wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed and improve the overall quality of your sleep. No more hitting snooze or having the dire need for that jumbo coffee in the morning.

REMEMBER: You deserve better sleep!

You might also want to check our sleep mask!


Use the code ‘SWANWICK’ at the checkout to get 10% OFF.



Sam Mehan

Fashion Designer and Entrepreneur

Sam is a fashion designer and entrepreneur living in the ever exciting country of Australia. Sam has a passion for educating others on the dangers of blue light as she herself knows the struggle with eye fatigue from long days of graphic design, followed by relaxing nights of gaming.

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